Bring Me The Horizon : Un single de survival horror Capcom/Square

Les joueurs hardc0re de la Playstation 1 n’ont pas oublié « Parasite Eve » (mais si, le jeu que tu choppais en import US car jamais sorti en Europe) mais rien à voir, il s’agit du nouveau single de Bring Me The Horizon.
Un titre qui augure d’un nouvel EP et dont le clip semble être un hommage à Resident Evil. Le groupe a décidé de sortir une série de 4 EP pour cette année 2020, EPs qui garderont le nom de « Post Human ».

“This song is going to be part of a record that has the same feel along with ‘Ludens‘. We’ve just been winging it and recording from lockdown, and now we’re going to make four different records over the next year and they’ll all share the name ‘Post Human‘. They’ll each be tonally different with their own sound and mood.

That’s one thing we’ve never really done. There’s often been an over-arching theme on our records, but the music has always felt like a collage. That’s cool and I like it, but sometimes you want a soundtrack for a certain occasion and emotion.

The idea behind ‘Post Human‘ is looking at how we’ve stepped out of evolution and the food chain. If we can do that, then we can take responsibility for what we’ve done to the planet and become something better than what humans are right now.”

Le titre a été enregistré en 2019 au début de la pandémie, ce qui a étrangement résonné avec ce titre :

“It was really weird. We’d heard about the pandemic in China, but then the similarities between what we were writing about started to become closer to reality. Every time there was a news story about it, we’d turn to each other and say ‘Parasite Eve‘, not realising the magnitude of it all.

We shelved the song for a bit because it felt bit too close to the bone. After sitting on it for a while, we realised that this was a reason to release it now more than ever. In our music we’ve always wanted to escape, but there’s been too much escapism and ignoring the problems in the world. It’s not what the world needs.

The world needs more and needs to think about it and remember. You can’t just brush over it and expect life to go back to normal, because it fucking ain’t. In so many ways, we need to change. That’s what rock music is about – addressing the dark side and processing it.

This is a moment we all knew was coming one day, but maybe not in our lifetime. Look at the Black Lives Matter protests too. It felt like we were making progress and people were standing up to injustice, but maybe we got too complacent because it’s still happening. It’s time to be pissed off. It’s not the time to say, ‘These days shall pass’ and ‘everything will be OK’, because it won’t fucking be OK unless we fucking do something about it.”

QUant à cette série d’EP, Oli Sykes annonce que le tout sera vénère car le monde a besoin de ça actuellement. Pas de titres pop sans âme mais d’hymnes de colère.

“You know like on ‘Lord Of The Rings‘ where they all sing a song before battle, knowing that they might die but they’re going got persevere and see how it goes? We’re trying to embody that. This first record is about hope and anger and feels like the sonic equivalent of a riot. We’re inviting people to find the solution with us.

It’s a demonstration to pull you in and get your back up. It’s a lot more aggressive than anything we’ve done for a while. The world doesn’t need light-hearted pop music right now – it needs anthems for anger. There’s so much to be pissed off about.”

Source : NME