Brutus : Annulation de tournée alors qu’il y a le Puy du Fou ! (2)

Le surpuissant trio belge, Brutus, vient d’annoncer l’annulation de sa tournée anglaise de rentrée à son grand désarroi. Les temps n’ont jamais été aussi incertains pour les musiciens et clairement, ils émettent les mêmes doutes que nous sur les dates programmées en 2021 en l’état des choses. Espérons donc que l’avenir nous donnera tort. D’autant plus que c’est dommage d’annuler alors qu’ils pourraient jouer…

AU PUY DU FOU ! Sainte Terre immunisée contre le COVID. 🙌🏼

Bref, le trio explique bosser sur de nouveaux titres même si l’envie est surtout d’être sur scène.

« Unfortunately we have to cancel our UK shows in London, Bristol and Leeds for good. They where originally scheduled for May and rescheduled to September. All tickets will be refunded directly by the ticket agents as soon as possible.
Just like everyone else, we started this no-show situation with the hope that this would be over soon. By now it’s pretty clear this will not be the case at all and we are trying to adjust to that feeling. In our calendars, in our heads, in our family, emotionally and financially.
Since day one of Brutus we have been playing live shows non stop. It’s why we do this. But right now, somebody has hit a big pauze button. And even if that break might look like “the perfect time to write”, “be creative” or “to get ready for when it starts again” … this feels more like a coma and not a break. It’s a shock, a moment of feeling lost. We try to reflect and adjust but we have no idea what the impact will be in the long run.
Our first (re)confirmed shows are scheduled for 2021, but even then it’s impossible to know if that’s even realistic. In the meantime we are writing new music, trying to find our way in this. But this is not the perfect time to write. It would have been the perfect time to play live. 🙂
Try to take care of yourself. Try to find your way, any way is cool.
We miss you and playing live a lot. »

À noter, ils ont aussi partagé un sympathique live sur le fort Napoleon de la station balnéaire belge, Ostende.

Source : Facebook