Franz Ferdinand : Un single et donc… Un album !

Et voilà, Franz Ferdinand a profité de la sortie de son premier single « Billy Goodbye » pour annoncer son nouvel album, « Hits To The Head«  pour le 11 Mars prochain.  MAIS en fait, il s’agira d’un simple best of… On comprend donc mieux ce retour aux origines sur l’artwork.
« It’s a collection of our hit songs from Darts of Pleasure, the first single we released in 2003, through to Billy Goodbye, a new song we recorded a few weeks ago that’s out today with a video we made with our friends Diane Martel and Ben Cole.
The hits. The hits to the head, hits to the heart, hits to the feet as they hit the dance-floor. From the big obvious singles like No You Girls, Do You Want To and Take Me Out to those songs which have developed a special meaning live, like Outsiders and Lucid Dreams. The songs you’d want to hear at a festival. I’ve always wanted to make a best of. They were such a big part of my life growing up. My parents didn’t have a huge record collection. They didn’t have every Bowie LP – they had Changes. The Red and Blue Beatles. Rolled Gold. For them, it was all they wanted to listen to. The best bits. For me it was something else: a doorway into an artist’s universe. An introduction. For the artist, it was something else again: a retrospective. A way to understand the progression of ideas from then to now with the perspective of the long term. An indication of what the future may be. A way to see the curve of development without the distraction of every detail. Aye, we wanted to make one of those records. So here it is. Hits To The Head. Don’t forget the best bits. AK »

Source : Facebook