Comme promis, Metallica va enchainer les clips pour son nouveau disque (prévu cette semaine) et balance le titre « Confusion » en mode Michael Bay mais avec des sentiments parce que la guerre, c’est pas bien. Un clip qu’il est bien quand même parce qu’on n’a pas à supporter les mimiques de Lars derrière ses fûts.
MàJ : Ha bah non, en fait le groupe a partagé deux clips avec « Dream No More » et là, Lars nous sort son best of !
Le groupe a en fait décidé de balancer un nouveau clip toutes les deux heures jusqu’à la sortie du disque. Agenda et liste des réalisateurs plus bas dans la news.
Source : ThePRP
Directors for the videos include: Jonas Åkerlund, who originally worked with us on “Turn The Page,” and “Whiskey In The Jar,” album package photographers Herring and Herring, Colin Hakes, Clark Eddy, Tom Kirk, Claire Marie Vogel, Jessica Cope, Rob Valley, Phil Mucci, and our very own videographer Brett Murray. The forthcoming clips follow in the footsteps of the three previously released videos for “Hardwired,” “Moth Into Flame,” and “Atlas, Rise!” See below for a complete schedule of when and where each video will be debuted, along with who directed each video.”
Here’s what will be arriving over the course of the next few hours:
Wednesday, November 16th:
12pm EST/9am PT – “Dream No More” (Directed by Tom Kirk) – Gshow Globo, Brazil
2pm EST/11am PT – “Confusion” (Directed by Claire Marie Vogel) – Rolling Stone, USA
4pm EST/1pm PT – “ManUNkind” (Directed by Jonas Åkerlund) – Bravewords, Canada
6pm EST/3pm PT – “Now That We’re Dead” (Directed by Herring & Herring) – Pitchfork, USA
8pm EST/5pm PT – “Here Comes Revenge” (Directed by Jessica Cope) – Triple M, Australia
10pm EST/7pm PT – “Am I Savage” (Directed by Herring & Herring) – Ro69.JP (Rockin’ On), Japan
Thursday, November 17th:
12a EST/9pm PT – “Halo On Fire” (Directed by Herring & Herring) – BiLD / Metal Hammer, Germany
2a EST/11pm PT – “Murder One” (Directed by Robert Valley) – Le Parisian, France
4a EST/1am PT – “Spit Out The Bone” (Directed by Phil Mucci) – NME, England
6a EST9am PT – “Lords of Summer” (Directed by Brett Murray) – Aftonbladet, Sweden