Serj Tankian devait sortir un nouvel EP en octobre, appelé, « Elasticity » et qui est annoncé comme rock. Il se trouve que cet EP aura la particularité de contenir des titres initialement écrits pour System Of A Down. Des idées avec lesquelles ils avaient même commencé à « jouer » avant que les problématiques de thunes avec Daron ne se posent. Du coup, il les sortira en son nom, un peu plus tard, car c’est aussi en octobre que le groupe allait sortir ses 2 titres quand la guerre en Arménie a éclaté. Ne voulant perturber la promo des titres de SOAD censés lever des fonds humanitaires, l’EP a donc été repoussé.
“‘Elasticity‘, the songs on that EP were written many years back. When I wrote them, the original concept, for me, was, ‘What rock songs can come out of me right now that I can possibly work with System on?’ So the intention was, actually, to sit down, and I’ve played them for the [other] guys [in System], and we even kind of messed around with some of ’em, and whatnot. And, obviously, we were unable to see eye-to-eye on continuing the future recordings of System, except for, obviously, these two songs for the cause that we’ve done, and that was before—obviously, a couple of years before.
So these songs, I decided to finish them myself and release them. And they are really interesting and beautiful songs — going from really heavy type of System-esque type of music to really beautiful, ballady — including pianos and string arrangements and stuff like that. So, it’s quite diverse for just five songs. And thematically, it’s quite diverse as well — a song about terrorism; a song about protests in Armenia years ago; a song about my son Rumi, kind of also cut with the poet Rumi, in a way — it’s an homage to the poet Rumi and his namesake, basically, in a way. And a few other pieces. So it’s kind of all around the place, as everything I do is.
I was supposed to come out in October, but when the war started, and when we decided to put out two songs with System, that took priority for me. And I just called the record company that we’re working with and just said, ‘We need to push this. Can we make this work?’ And they were very cool about it.”
À noter, un documentaire sur Serj, nommé « Truth To The Power » sortira le 19 Février.
Source : ThePRP