C’est D’Arcy qui va être contente. Oui, content de voir que quelqu’un a ENFIN domestiqué Billy Corgan. Pas une mince affaire en soi mais c’est réussi dans le clip de « Solara », premier single des Smashing Pumpkins presque totalement réunis. On vous laisse vous faire une idée du clip même si cette explication de fan n’est pas si mal.
I’m not entirely sure what the hell is going on, but I think I can provide some insight into a couple of things. Notice what Billy’s wearing. His black sweater and silver skirt are reminiscent of the black zero shirt and silver pants he wore back in the Mellon Collie days. However, instead of the word « Zero », the word has become the number and it is hanging around his neck like a dog’s collar. The three girls leading him around with the chain seem to symbolize how he is held down to that image. When he tries to break free of it, it’s like him trying to break free of the past and find new creative ground. He walks around outside and sees people that might as well be faux Pumpkins fans looking at him wondering « what is he doing outside of where we expected him to be »? Ultimately, despite him being free, he ultimately finds himself back where he started, imprisoned by the past, and it is a never ending cycle. Still trying to figure out what those wrestlers are and the guy spitting blood. Maybe a commentary on how musical corporatism has dictated Corgan’s path and he wants to break free of that?
Source : Facebook