Oui, je sais, c’est assez putassier de relayer ce genre de conneries comme tout le monde mais merde. Les Américains arrivent toujours à nous surprendre même si on a notre lot aussi. Mais Stephen Carpenter des Deftones a récemment été interviewé et avoué qu’il avait toujours sensible aux théories conspirationnistes. De fait, il a avoué être devenu un « platiste » convaincu désormais que la Terre n’était pas ronde.
« When you tell people that the Earth is flat I want to ask and answer all the questions that you want to ask and answer as well. But I want you to first acknowledge that you don’t live on the spinning space ball.
Because once you know you can acknowledge that, then you get to that place where, like ‘okay, now we’re legitimately asking the same question.’ People are still discovering lots of things in regards to that. »
Apparemment, Steph n’a jamais maté le documentaire Netflix, « La Terre à Plat », qui est super bien réalisé. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’on y voit des scientifiques, des vrais, faire leur mea culpa sur le fait de ne pas avoir su convaincre des gens qui sont, au final, des scientifiques en devenir. Et surtout parce que sans opposer d’éléments factuels laisse les platistes tenter leurs expériences qui n’aboutissent… Jamais ! Mention spéciale aux mecs qui achètent un GPS laser de 20 000 balles pour prouver que la Terre ne tourne pas et que ce même GPS, lui indique une rotation de 15° par heure, soit 360° par jour.
Bref !
Il avoue aussi croire à la Matrice (plus dur à réfuter) mais bon :
“If you want to call it simulation. That’s fine, it’s simulation is still implying that you’re not on the flying, spinning space ball, this is some other shit right? And I’m just saying. I’m just saying that you know here in The Matrix where we are, there’s a reality and there is The Matrix right?
Flat Earth is outside of The Matrix, when you’re in The Matrix, you have all kinds of versions of what you think it is, but it’s not. It’s a flat motionless plane of existence. And I don’t know, you can debate it forever, but it will never change the fact that that’s what it is. You know what I mean? And that’s why I was saying…
Initially I said, you know, it’s really hard, um, after you know that, because you are outside of The Matrix. In The Matrix you know, the majority is in The Matrix still, so it’s hard to actually talk to people who want to have serious conversations about subjects that they think they know about but they don’t, because they’re not in actual reality.”
Et il est aussi anti-vaxx et anti-masques :
“[There’s] never been one single vaccine that’s ever worked ever. All poisons, you can never get it out of your body, [your] body has no means to expel it, it’s stuck in you forever and you just suffer with whatever it becomes.”
“It was…we’ve never actually learned…I’m grateful for COVID, for teaching me the actual germ theory, and that is the virus is something the body creates. You are not capable of catching a virus from somebody. You develop viruses because you have some type of poison or toxin within you. And that’s your poisoned and toxined [sic] cells secreting the virus to clean them from the body.”
Bref, comme le dit si bien notre ami et ex-chroniqueur Marku :
[MàJ] Rattrapé par l’énormité de ses propos, le guitariste a décidé de presenter ses « excuses », ça ne veut toujours pas dire que la Terre est plate, hein. Juste il est désolé d’avoir offensé qui que ce soit. Les amateurs de dinosaures sont toujours aussi outrés Stephen !Toujours se méfier d’un mec en pantacourt https://t.co/yHW1Ujf8d0
— (@diploblocus) November 13, 2020
« …In regards to this story, you know, I want to say this, I made some people… you know, people got a little aggravated [and] feel like I was insensitive.
I want to say, hey you know, I never had the intent to upset anybody in any way with my opinions. But I was just giving my opinions. And for all those who’ve who’ve experienced it in any way, it’s not to upset or offend you in any way with my opinion. But I did you know, and some were… they were ruffled.”
“So I say to all you who were ruffled about in any way, you know, it’s only love you know, it’s always about love. I would never want to see anybody… In fact, that’s the reason why I give my opinion. Hopefully it can inspire you into something else, you know, at least for alternative perspective. But not to offend you know, all my love, sorry. Apologies. »
Source : ThePRP