Dans la suite de cette news, vous pourrez constater que Say Anything ne plaisante pas avec la playlist de son nouvel album « In Defense of the Genre« .
Skinny, Mean Man 00:03:33
No Soul 00:03:36
That Is Why 00:04:13
Surgically Removing The Tracking Device 00:02:30
This Is Fucking Ecstasy 00:02:39
The Church Channel 00:03:04
Shiksa (Girlfriend) 00:03:38
Baby Girl, I’m A Blur 00:04:19
Retarded In Love 00:03:06
People Like You Are Why People Like Me Exist 00:03:28
Died A Jew 00:02:29
An Insult To The Dead 00:04:09
Sorry Dudes, My Bad 00:02:43
Spay Me 00:03:13
In Defense of The Genre 00:04:02
The Truth Is, You Should Lie With Me 00:02:31
The Word You Wield 00:03:50
Vexed 00:02:39
About Falling 00:04:13
You’re The Wanker If Anyone Is 00:03:22
Spores 00:02:49
We Killed It 00:01:53
Have At Thee! 00:03:03
Hangover Song 00:00:58
Goodbye Your Tutor, You’ve Now Outgrown Me 00:04:20
I Used To Have A Heart 00:04:17
Plea 00:04:31