Boukakke jovial

Pour les Parisiens qui auraient éventuellement envie de se taper dessus et de se faire traiter de trou de balles, sachez que le congrégation Your Demise, Trapped Under Ice, Man Overboard et Basement sera à la Boule Noire le 1er avril.
[i]A group of hardcore kids rushed the stage in Salt Lake City to fight BMTH. It started when the concert goers threw water bottles at Oli, he threw water right back and called them pussies so 20-30 rushed the stage to throwdown. Only a few made it up but the rest started fights in the crowd. The guitarist on stage right brought his guitar down on the head of one of the attackers.

The band quickly left the stage and the whole group of attackers ran out the side door towards the buses. There were several fights that night and a couple guys totally knocked out. It was too much for security to handle.

After 30ish minutes, BMTH returned and played a short set.[/i]