Liam Gallagher n’en démord pas : Oasis se reformera quand Noel réalisera qu’il n’est « pas si bon que ça sans son petit frère. Si les gens veulent une reformation en 2015, ils l’auront« .
En attendant, il promet que le deuxième Beady Eye sera un disque qui « changera des vies, épique, avec des cordes et tout ça… »
« I have nothing bad to say about Josh — he’s extremely intelligent, very smart, a great guitar player, great songwriter, a great vocalist — he is a bad-ass, there is no question, and I love him dearly but he is busy with his own thing. He has THEM CROOKED VULTURES, QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE, he’s a father, a businessman and even if we asked him to do it, I don’t think he’d say yes, so I don’t want to set myself up for a big fat no which is 99.9 percent what he would say. »