Cold case

« Cold« , c’est le nom d’un groupe de néo-metal US rance comme la Durance mais c’est surtout le titre du nouveau single de l’affriolant duo Blood Red Shoes, dont le clip est dans la suite.
« We just rehearsed and came up with some new song ideas and stuff and played together for two weeks, and it was really fun, » Smith told « It came out great — flowing and really natural and like we’ve been playing together a lot, which we have. We sent [Kiedis] CDs and he’s like, ‘I love this stuff! It sounds great. I love the new jams.’ That’s just good for everything; it’s good for morale, it’s good for the future. The future is bright. »

« Normally in Chili Peppers world we never really had this much of a kind of break in a tour. Before, if we had a month off, we would never get together and write song ideas; we always wrote songs when it was time for an album cycle, » he added. « But everyone just wanted to play. It was great; I came to town, ‘Hey guys, I’m gonna be here for two weeks. You want to get together and play?’ and everyone was like, ‘Yeah! Let’s play!’ So that bodes well for the future. »

[i]Sur Frusciante:[/i]« He didn’t feel comfortable coming, which we totally respect, » Smith explained. « We asked him… He said, ‘I’m just not really comfortable with that, but good luck and thanks for inviting me.’ It was all good. He’s the kind of guy that once he’s finished with something, he’s just on to the next phase of his life. The Chili Peppers are not really on his radar right now. »