Débarquement chez les mangeurs de cassoulets

Tame Impala, le groupe aussie ayant réussi la performance d’atteindre le top 2012 de Kromagnon, pointe son museau de marsupial en France pour 2 dates (pour le moment) :
– Paris le 26/06/13 à l’Olympia (y’a toujours une date chez les snobs)
– Toulouse le 11/07/1013 au Bikini (port du short de bain interdit)

News proposée par [url=membre-1288.htm]Nidri[/url]
Track list for CD/digital:

01 The wake-up
02 Keep it together
03 And the sky began to scream
04 Welcome oblivion
05 Ice age
06 On the wing
07 Too late, all gone
08 How long?
09 Strings and attractors
10 We fade away
11 Recursive self-improvement
12 The loop closes
13 Hallowed ground

Track list for vinyl (includes two extra tracks):

01 The wake-up
02 Keep it together
03 And the sky began to scream
04 Ice age
05 Welcome oblivion
06 On the wing
07 Too late, all gone
08 The province of fear
09 How long?
10 Strings and attractors
11 Recursive self-improvement
12 Unintended consequences
13 We fade away
14 The loop closes
15 Hallowed ground

Vinyl edition will include a free white label CD of the vinyl version of the album.

Pre-order from us coming mid-February.