White Lies : un single comme un lundi !

White Lies farfouille un peu dans ses enregistrements et a décidé de sortir quelques inédits datant de leur dernier passage studio. Cette fois, les anglais ont publié « Breakdown Days » avec un petit clavier qui fera rêver Charlie Oleg (qui nous regarde de tout en haut, à n’en pas douter).

• Our new song Breakdown Days is out in an hour’s time in the UK. Maybe it’s already out where you are?? Link in bio – you should check. Do you love it?? Only answer if “yes”.
Anyway, we went back in to the studio to finish this song a few weeks ago because we never quite got it over the line during the album sessions – sometimes you miss the gems when you’re working like crazy to get an album made. We’re really glad we did finish it though because it would have been a shame to let this one slip through the net.
A perfect summer jam. In mid-October. 🌶

Source : Facebook